Dear friends and comrades!
On February 19, 2025 we, the committee of January 19 Berlin, have decided to participate in a demonstration in memory of the victims of the Hanau murder in Berlin.
On February 19, 2020, a right-wing lone terrorist shot 9 people with migration backgrounds in 2 shisha bars. The killer then drove to his home where he killed his disabled mother and committed suicide.
An independently conducted investigation revealed the ineffectiveness of the local police in pursuing the perpetrator and the bias of the investigation.
The murderer’s father, who also shared extreme right-wing and conspiracy views, still remains aggressive towards the relatives of the victims.
The mass murder and subsequent demonstrations served as a starting point for the creation of migrant anti-fascist leftist groups and the mass movement Migrantifa. Previously, activists with a migrant background were underrepresented in leftist and antifa groups in Germany. Autonomy was necessary to fully engage in the struggle, grow politically and promote their own interests and viewpoints.
It is important for us, antifascists from the former USSR, to participate in this demonstration in order to gain our own political subjectivity and to interact with other migrant groups.
We invite you to join the bloc of Russian-speaking antifascists.
Place: Sonnencenter, High-Deck-Siedlung, Sonnenallee 332, 12057 Berlin
Time: Rally – at 17:30, Demo – at 19:00